Daily H Home

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H Home 居心地




H Home, the mood of being home

Nakamura Yoshifumi, a Japanese architect, once described the meaning of “居心地” (mood of being home), as the “心地” part in Japanese means feeling, emotion, and mood; “居心地” would mean “the state of mind of moments of living”. It emphasizes the importance for everyone to find a place of dwelling and for one’s well-being in their lives.

A small house, family of three, refurbished in grayish ivory throughout the continuous space of living room, dining room, and kitchen, natural and organic curved wooden decorations soften the core area. Three rooms are set up as the main bedroom, second bedroom, and study, providing an exclusive space for each and every one. Whether in public space or one’s own room, a cozy corner is sure to be found.

The design derives from the needs of life, as the storage function comes first. Using fragmented spaces as multipurpose containers, like the TV wall connecting shelves for house appliances and establishing a visually holistic surface, the moving wall in the bathroom can extend the storage to accommodate cleaning utensils, supplies, and so on, in order to facilitate a well-organized and practical life.